Tornikeskus 8.9.2024

Rules and responsibilities


It is the duty of the ski resort staff to ensure that the rules of the ski resort are complied with. Every skier and member of ski resort staff must be familiar with and comply with the rules. It worth studying the rules thoroughly and think about what each rule means for the staff.

Slope staff have the right to intervene in violations. For example, a customer’s ski lift ticket can be revoked if their behavior violates the rules. Friendly advice often works well. Try to establish functional and supportive contact with the customer. 

Ski slope rules

  1. Make sure your equipment is adjusted to your size, weight and ability. Use of a helmet is recommended.
  2. Respect the lift line and prepare to share the lift with fellow skiers. Get off the lift only at designated areas.
  3. Select the slope and adapt your speed according to your skills and the environment. Always familiarize yourself with special areas in advance.
  4. Keep your distance when you pass the skiers below and ahead of you. Pay additional attention to small children.
  5. Stop only at places where you can be easily seen. If you need to go uphill, always do it along the edge of the slope.
  6. Do not ski too fast. Pay attention to local slope and snow conditions.
  7. Sledging is only allowed in separately designated areas.
  8. You always ski at your own risk.
  9. Using the slopes under the influence of alcohol/drugs is prohibited.
  10. In the event of accidents, your duty is to assist. Report any accidents immediately to ski area staff.

Always respect the signs at the ski centre and follow the instructions of the staff.

The staff is authorised to take away the skipass from anyone who ignores the slope rules.


Observe the customers’ equipment. Instruct and advise if you see incorrectly or poorly worn equipment. In addition to helmets, the use of other protection (such as back armor) is constantly increasing, and their use is highly recommended. 

Knowledge of correct use increases safety and reduces accidents. The use of a helmet has increased; about 90% of skiers wear one. The helmet should be a good fit and the strap should be suitably tight. 

Ski bindings must be correctly installed and adjusted. Improperly adjusted bindings pose a significant safety risk. If a customer’s bindings are adjusted incorrectly, direct them to the rental store – they can provide professional assistance and the right tools. Even if it is the customer’s own equipment, the rental store is where any adjustments will take place. 

Lift behavior

Behavior is a matter of attitude. When you know why and how to behave in a safe manner, you will also be able to explain it to customers correctly. Lift queues proceed in order and on the lift, you try to fill all the positions. If users wiggle or hang on to the lift, it can cause a hazard or stop – or even break – the lift. Exit the lift only at the marked positions. Misuse adds to the number of incidents and waiting times.

– Correct slope attitude

– Knowledge promotes safety

– Orderly lift use

– Fill all positions

– No wiggling, no hanging.

– Exit only at exit points

– Misuse increases hazards

Slope behavior

Every skier and slope is different, and therefore it is essential to choose the level and speed that suits you. Changing weather conditions influence safety on the slopes. It is essential to get to know the slope in advance. Clear right of way: those coming from above and behind must always avoid others. 

Passing is done at a sufficient distance and young children should be given special attention. Stopping on the slope is safest at the edge of the slope in a spot where others will see you. When climbing upwards, always use the side of the slope.

Everyone skis at the resort at their own risk. It is not recommended to go off-piste, and in some ski resorts, doing so is completely forbidden. Never go off-piste alone. 

Speed control is important: know your own abilities and the weather conditions. Skiers must be able to avoid possible surprises on the slope and come to a stop. Do not lose control of your speed. 

Sledding is allowed only in designated places, and slopes for sledding are marked separately. 

It is strictly forbidden to go down the slope while intoxicated. If an intoxicated skier is spotted by the slope staff, they have the right to revoke the skier’s lift ticket. 

It is everyone’s responsibility to help others on the slope. Report accidents to the staff immediately.

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